Sorry if this is getting boring but I did say I was going to be making quite a few of these sets! This one is destined for New Zealand. I unexpectedly received a package the other day, I'll show a picture of what I got in a day or so. This package contained items for the heart swap I mentioned in my last post. The items in it were intended for me but there was a mix up about names and a swap should have gone to New Zealand. So, we all came to an agreement that I would keep the package and then make something for the swapper who should have got something.
I'm feeling a bit fed up at the moment. When I reached sixty I decided that, being an old age pensioner, I would only do things that I wanted to do. And what happens? I got a letter saying I have to attend for jury duty. There is no getting out of it and it has really got on my nerves that I've got to do it. Think of all those wasted hours that I could have used for crafting!!!