Sewing, stitching, baking, cooking, gardening, shopping and general homemaking.

Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Another Spring Outfit

I recently saw a lovely outfit that had a blue flowered jacket, white tee shirt and blue trousers.  If I had bought that outfit it would have cost me as much just for the jacket as I ended up paying for the whole outfit from my favourite clothes shop (you know who I mean!).  Bonmarche did have some blue flowered cardigans in a few weeks ago but when I went the other day they no longer had any in the shop.  They did have a grey flowered cardigan so I decided to get that and a pair of grey trousers to go with it.  I already had a white tee shirt that would be suitable.
I would have preferred the blue version but the grey looks nice too.  I'll keep my eye open for a blue patterned cardigan, if I find one I will buy a pair of the blue jean type trousers Bonmarche are currently selling.  Maybe I'll get the blue trousers anyway.

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