Fuchsia Southgate
Verbena Pink Splash
I've got a new camera. The Kodak camera I had is a bit outdated, has a cracked battery cover and uses up batteries so quickly I probably keep a battery factory in business. So, I have now got a camera that is Li-ion powered. In other words the battery is a proper rechargeable one. I wanted another Kodak but, not being very interested in the specifics of photography, I was talked into a Panasonic Lumix DMC-FS30 (whatever that means). I knew that I could transfer the pictures from the memory card via my printer to my old Kodak software programme. I love my Kodak software programme, it is so simple to use. Other camera software seems unnecessarily complicated. After all, I only want to take photos to show on my blog and send by email to family and friends, I'm not trying to win prizes or make money from my pictures. Anyway, I was also treated to a memory card that my printer didn't like. I messed around with the Panasonic software and hated it. Then I decided I'd swap my new memory card for the old memory card that I had in my old Kodak camera. I uninstalled the new software and what happens? My settings were all changed and I couldn't remember how to make my computer use my Kodak programme to open pictures. By this time I was in one of those horrible, computer killing moods, I'm sure you know what I mean. I only wanted to download a picture or two for goodness sake!*~#!
Anyway, I eventually did a system restore and all is well with the world again.