Sewing, stitching, baking, cooking, gardening, shopping and general homemaking.

Friday, 19 January 2018

How Retirement Affects a Spouse

It's been ten years since my DH retired and, looking at myself today, I've realised what an unexpected affect this has had on me.

Gradually I've become inactive in a lot of areas that I used to be interested in.  I hardly do any crafting, in fact lately I've done none at all.  I don't go out except for Wednesdays when I go out with DH to meet one of his friends and wife for lunch.  I struggle to take an interest in my house.  Previously I would keep the house to a high standard of cleanliness and tidiness.  The house is still acceptably clean and fairly tidy but not to how I like it.  My main jobs each day are doing the laundry and cooking dinner.  Each year we go away for three coach trips of five days each.  I don't have day trips out from home anymore, mainly because his driving is erratic and I get nervous, hence the coach holidays.

So, what can have happened?  What can I do about it?  I can't seem to put my finger on the problem.

One idea I have is to go out on my own occasionally, even if it is up to the local shops and stop for a coffee by myself.  I know he won't be happy with this, he will want to come with me.  He does not like being at home on his own.

This situation needs resolving.  I'm wasting my life sitting about at home.


Berit said...

Sounds like it could be a bit of depression? Or maybe just a bit of extra vitamins or other supplement to your diet could spiff you up! Have you tried checking with your doctor about such things?

I've found mild exercises to be great at such times, so would be taking a class for fun. You could combine the two, if possible! The YMCAs near me have great water exercise group classes (both very "easy"--simple, low impact, mild, beginner, and super hard!) Have you tried something like Water X before? If not, why not give it a whirl!

Daniel Price said...

Ann, I understand your pain. Press on, dear friend. I and my entire household have struggled with health issues. Even my children. But we trust the faithfulness of God. He truly sees us through each day. I will be praying for you and yours. I agree with Berit that exercise and vitamin supplements can help tremendously. We believe in the power of probiotics around here!

Daniel Price said...

Ann, I added your stitched hen to my Christmas tree this year (and every year since you sent it)! I know I don't spend much time in this space. Both my children have health struggles, as do my husband and myself. I now work full time. But God is faithful to see us through each trial. Press on, sweet friend. Read Ephesians in the Bible.