Sewing, stitching, baking, cooking, gardening, shopping and general homemaking.

Saturday, 9 May 2015

Walk away dress

After seeing the walk away dress on the Great British Sewing Bee I just had to make it...

The pattern is Butterick B4790.  I think the pattern they used on Sewing Bee had been adapted slightly because the pattern I have doesn't have the buttons and loops on the front fastening.  I used press studs.  

There are a lot of alterations on my dress.  The bodice part of the pattern is too long so I took it up on the shoulders and had to slightly alter the size of the armhole area on the front bodice part.  The back neck is too low so I raised that.  The front neck gaped so I put two pleats on each side of the front neck line.  I decided not to put the bias binding down the front opening as I thought it made the dress look a bit like an apron.  Because my waist is rather large I also added two inches to both sides of the front where it meets and also on the underneath sheath part where that meets at the back.  This allowed for the extra size of my waist and for a hem instead of the bias binding.  I do think that it is best to make sure that it fits really well at the waist as this will stop the back part of the wrap around pulling down, there is a lot of weight on the wrap around.

I've not worn the dress for more than fitting and taking the picture so I'm not sure how it will feel and behave whilst on the move, I have heard bad reports of it bunching up when moving, we'll see.

Having to do all the alterations took up time so I didn't find this a quick or easy dress to make.  I am pleased I made it though and I think it looks nice.

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